Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Arrving

The cows have been in the barn for about 4 days. Water lines are kept inside now and remay row covers are pulled over the spinach in the unheated greenhouse. A large pile of logs awaits sawing and splitting and the furnace is kept burning during the night to heat the other two greenhouses of salad mix greens. Tonight, Charlotte was given a bale of hay to nestle into. She was so cute disassembling the bale. Nudging, nibbling,and much flapping of her giant ears, she meticulously rearranged the bale into a large nest. Snow fell gently all day with an accumulation of about an inch or so. In the greenhouse, you could hear the snow whispering against the taught plastic skin while we weeded. Outside, every thing was hushed. As night descended, i took pine shavings out to fill the nesting boxes in the luminescent coups. What a beautiful night.