Friday, December 10, 2010

-3F Degrees

At 6:30am, it is -3F degrees and a hoary frost coats everything as we set out to do chores. Really, i don't notice too much difference in temperature. Your pinkies do get cold when you milk, ........whether your good at it or not. Charlotte, the sow, is not eating her feed, which i would think would be contrary to the weather situation. But, then i

find out she is in heat and that might explain the lack of appetite. Chores are done and i get a chance to go and actually see the pond that the farm is named after, Flying Pond. It is a beautiful lake dotted with several small islands. Being on the northwest end, i can settle down on a sunny rock and enjoy the quiet. There is a thin, clear film of ice and i can see all the leaves and debris resting on the bottom. I feel most fortunate to be here. On the way back through the woods, there are tracks of red fox, maybe grey fox, deer, and American crow. By noon, the thermometer in the unheated greenhouse reads 50F. It is amazing what a little bit of sun and plastic can do. But, as soon as the clouds roll in the temperature drops rapidly.