Sunday, December 12, 2010

Farm Tour

Dawn will arrive soon as I step out the door. As i make my way down toward the chicken coups, I catch a movement out of the corner of my eye. It is Ciaos, one of the barn cats. We have become friendly as of late and she follows me out. Squatting down, I thoroughly rubber her all over. Just as i think that she has had her fill and is parting, she hopes up on to my back to settle in. As I begin to stand up, she hops down and I scoop her up. She is big ball of fluff cradled in my arms.

We visit the luminescent chicken coups, say, "Hi ", to Charlotte who is buried in her nest of hay and make our way back to the barn to visit the cows. As we near the cat bowl, she squirms to be let go. Affection only goes so far, food at this point in time is more important. Today, I leave to return to PA. I can't think of any better way to start the day, than to do chores and then depart. The cows are warm and musky, the chicks have grown from little puffballs to scraggly adolescents in the two weeks, and Charlotte is sullen because she is in heat. All in all it is a beautiful morning.